Chronic fatigue is not laziness, but a syndrome that cannot always be overcome on your own. Strong overwork cannot be ignored; it may turn o...
Chronic fatigue is not laziness, but a syndrome that cannot always be overcome on your own. Strong overwork cannot be ignored; it may turn out to be unsafe for health.
Physicians use the special term "asthenia" to refer to this condition. Asthenia is chronic fatigue that occurs against the background of habitual mental or physical exertion and persists after rest.
How to understand what's wrong with you: fatigue or asthenia
Asthenia can often be confused with banal fatigue. However, you can tell them apart. The usual fatigue disappears after a full sleep or weekend, vacation, holidays. This does not save from asthenia.
The fact is that sleep is disturbed during chronic fatigue, a person cannot fully recover. Hence the daily lethargy, loss of concentration, deterioration in performance and memory. There may also be a painful reaction to light, various sounds, especially sharp ones. All this is accompanied by weakness and increased fatigue, irritability, and sometimes even headaches and muscle pains. Overwork is much easier and cannot be compared with the symptoms of asthenia. The latter is much harder to carry.
What causes asthenia: causes and effects
The reason for the development of asthenia is in violation of the nutrition of the nervous tissue, as a result of which many biochemical processes are imbalanced. Asthenia can be provoked by both chronic or severe stress, and colds, operations, injuries, strict diets, regular nervous strain, severe physical fatigue that does not stop for a long time.
Asthenia can accompany diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology. Maybe the result of physical illness. At-risk are people experiencing constant low-intensity stress, employees and employees of enterprises whose work requires high concentration or emotional stress: train drivers, doctors, teachers, managers.
According to doctors, asthenic syndrome occurs 2-3 times more often in women than in men.
Is asthenia treated
If you suspect you have asthenia, see a physician. The doctor will prescribe tests and conduct an examination or refer you to narrow specialists so that they can select the appropriate treatment. It is also important to get tested for the above diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular and somatic).
It is not recommended to take tests on your own - a waste of money. Only by doctor's prescription!
Self-medication is strictly prohibited. The therapy is selected by the doctor. Usually, several measures are used in combination: taking vitamins and minerals, reviewing nutrition and work and rest, daily routine, massages, swimming, exercise therapy, work with a psychologist.
If asthenia is started, it can turn into depression. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.